so last night I had a dream
you were in it
do dreams really mean anything?
we were in the car, your friends in the backseat and someone handed you a photograph...and said "you were so happy when you were with her, the happiest you've been."
and I guess it was a picture of you and your ex.
and I was in the front seat with you and you didn't say anything
and I felt a sort of shame, embarrassment, and a sadness slipped into my stomach.
then I woke up at 6:15
and it was cool because the sky looked amazing
I don't really care about the was just strange...and all those feelings felt very real. But yeah I felt great when I woke up :] haha
I'm off to a wedding up north tomorrow
I like wedding even though I always say I hate them ;]
I bought film today
and I am extremely bored right now yaaay
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