I think someone has finally struck a chord within me...in a good way
I felt a connection as soon as my eyes focused in on what John was showing us in class
Every aspect of his work is inspiring
The lighting...
the contrasting textures of nature and the human skin...
conceptually amazing...and I think it allows open interpretation for the viewer.
I am awestruck by what I've seen, and to know he's created such breathe taking work with film just makes me like him even more :]
well anyways
I am talking about Wynn Bullock
This was the first image shown to me
I wish I could describe how it makes me feel
Everything about this is so beautiful...there is a rich darkness...and the glorious light of the human form laying in the foliage
This one is so mysterious
I don't know...I really love dark images
This is perfectly exposed in my eyes, and interested me because it's a multiple exposure.
I think that is a form of photography I would like to become more knowledgeable about. I will continue working on them...because they are just more complex and interesting to look at
I love long exposures...
enough said
everything is so fluid...has a misty look to it
and it's just so beautiful
I need to do some more
I'm in love
and inspired
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